
The Inclusive Workplace

How can we help?

DCN with our partnership with EMBED can support you in creating inclusive workplaces for your organisations to grow and support your greatest asset – people.
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This is an ongoing activity in which we welcome conversation, collaboration and positive action. 

Why Inclusive Practice matters?  


Current reports relating to the recruitment and retention of disabled and neurodivergent people in the workforce:

Westminster AchieveAbility Commission Report:
(Neurodiverse Voices: Opening the Doors to Employment): A collaborative report on the barriers facing neurodivergent talent in recruitment and retention in the workplace.


I Can Make It Project by Disability Rights UK
A great film featuring Carrie Boyce who works for the Royal Society of Chemistry (non-profit making organisation) and how she manages her chronic health condition as well as work.

The Importance of Neurodiversity in the Workplace (CIPD)



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